Archive for April 2013
"Komunitas Pegiat Kebangsaan" Declaration
In the hall of FIA Brawijaya University
Arrive at PT. PINDAD - Turen - Malang
Me, Fariz, and Jun - Kidal temple
My pose in Brawijaya museum
Fariz with his innocent expression
My friend and I, in the "Padang Bulan" festival
Faiz and Dian, as the representative.
certificate :D
A lot of stories inside
A lot of memories inside
A lot of Education inside
A lot of care inside
A lot of amazing people inside
Very warm
Very comfort
Very beautiful
Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow
After the semester examination finished, it is time for amazing activity, CLASS MEETING. We are from Student Council Senior High School 10 Malang always held the class meeting every semester, exactly in the last semester. The theme for Class Meeting first semester 2012 is “Back to Our Destiny”. It means that we must remember where we came from, remember our promises, and remember everything that happen in the past. In this class meeting we present some competition, just like futsal competition, shuffle and traditional dance competition, wall magazine competition, missing lyrics competition, and hand ball competition. Let’s check it out :D
Mr.Wahid and Mrs.Wahyu play a role play. After the opening ceremony, some teachers play an amazing role play. :D
Mrs. Endang as the Head of Student Service cuts the ballons in the opening ceremony.
Dayin try to remind the song's lyric in the missing lyric competition.
PATUAH CREW, present a spectacular dance in the traditional shuffle dance competition.
The Committee.
Futsal competition.
Hand Ball competition
Wahyu sticks his wonderful wall magazine.
Choir team presents some songs.
The best flashmop ever :D
Some students present some songs.
EUPHORIA. The committee expression after the event finished. GOOD JOB GUYS :)