I am a Phlegmatic-Melancholic Boy

          Everyone have their own type. Just like choleric who easily annoyed and very angry, or phegmatic who doesn't usually get emotional and excited about things, or  sanguine who always positive and hopeful, or melancholic who express sad feelings, wants everything to be perfect, and demands the highest standard possible.

            A lot of my friend said that I am a phlegmatic-melancholic boy. And I think, yeah, it’s true. But I am more  in phlegmatic. I like peacefull, it means that I don’t like fighting or disorder condition. I don’t very like with person who make a small problem into a big problem. Problem more possible to be solved when we are in the cool condition, thinking, and we don’t need to make the problem become a bigger. That’s why my friends also said that I am an ice in the middle of fire. Because sometimes I like to cool down the condition.

            In the other side, I also a melancholic boy. But I am not full melancholic, just somepart of me that we can say it’s melancholic. Some of my friends said I am melancholic because I am a perfectionist boy. I want everything become clear, neat, and tidy. My things, just like my cupboard, my bed, my book rack, always ordered and arranged in the right place. Sometimes I feel it’s good, but sometimes I also feel tired, because now I  live in dormitory, with different type of friends including slob friend, if they put their things in untidy, I feel not comfortable. But day by day, I can adapt with it and try to feel comfort with it.

            Actually, whatever my type, it’s no problem, proveded that we can control it and it’s not disturbing the other people. Hopefully, I also can control it and people arround me feel comfort with it J

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