As we know that nowadays the development of technology is greatly improve.  Almost all of people use it, especially computer. Is it better or worse? Which one is suitable for us, use computer or without computer?

            Usually the community use it to help them, sometimes it can make their work easily to finish. Usually the company uses it to run their machine. The user is not only company but also the people, they use it to finish their task, and if they are going to bored, they can play some games or browse if there is internet connection.  This facilities make them feel very comfort and it can makes them become lazy, because they think all of their task can be done instantly by computer.  Not only that, they will get some illness, such as eyestrain and cramps on your body. And if we use computer, the electricity cost will increase, it is equal with how long we use the computer.

            Actually, there is a lot of things that given by the computer, because of that the people prefer to work in front of computer. Some of them  become individual person because lack of socialization with the other person around them. The effect is that people will have a little of friend, and when they need  to share, probably there is no friend that want to share with them. In the other side, the social problem also appear. When the company use the computer, they will think they don’t need a labor. They use computer to do the job and dismissed the labor, so, there will be a lot of unemployment.

            In a conclusion, we can say that the people right now are dependent to computer. Because they use computer in every single activity that they do. In a fact, the improvement of computer production is increase every year. It means that mostly people use the computer, and sometimes they just hinge on the computer. So sad right? So, you can use the computer to make your task finished easily, but don’t be over or you will get disadvantages from it.

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